Step 1: Browse the destination idea document.

Step 1: Browse the destination idea document.
(You can pick a new one if you prefer. We will add more ideas as we go.)

Step 2. Destination Proposal Form

Step 3:

Step 3: Go on your field trip and document it with approximately 1-11 pictures and/or video clips, or drawings.

Step 4:

Step 4: Next, create your media project using your favorite free online tool (such as mentioned on this site.) Or if you'd prefer, you can make your video/slideshow using your favorite video editing software. If you make your own video, and if you have permission from your parents, you can post on YouTube.
(Sign up for help at school if you need help with anything at all.)
Email the link when you are done.

Step 5:

Step 5: Share our blog with your family and friends, browse the map below to see where students went, submit comments, and subscribe or revisit it from time to time. Have fun!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Media Project Samples/ Options Using Free Online Media Creation Tools

There are pros and cons to consider when deciding whether or not your media project will be a video, audio, or picture slideshow.  You have three choices.  You choose just one.
(If you are worried about privacy, don't include pictures of yourself, and you should never use your last name anywhere.)

Option 1:

Flixtime video slideshows allow you to add both pictures, videos, and short captions.  You can also choose from a large library of royalty-free music that adds interest to your project.  In fact, the whole video project looks and sounds beautiful.  See the first project sample I made on Locke, CA., or another Flixtime video from Pleasanton Ridge.  Also, here is a sample I made of our family's recent trip to Point Reyes.  (That's what it looks like when it is embedded.)

Option 2:

If you prefer something that can be viewed at your own pace, choose a Picasa web album.  Otherwise, you can embed it as a slideshow that plays automatically.  I love how you can GeoTag your album so that people can see exactly where in California it is. Here's asample album from the same location:

Here's what the album looks like if you have embedded it as a slideshow.

Option 3:

Lastly, you might prefer to do an audio project.  It's fun to hear our voices!  I highly suggest writing out your script in advance.  Practice reading before you record. You can use Audio Boo to make the recording, or you can record first from your computer, and then upload it to that site.  If you are at school, I will teach you how to make a podcast in Garage Band, but it's probably easier to do it online from home.  (You will need either a built-in mic. or one that plugs in, and make sure you are in a quiet place.)  If you are on a Mac, I suggest using Firefox if you record in Audio Boo. (I had problems with my newest version of Safari quitting on me when I tried to record.)

Make sure your audio is less than 91 seconds to keep it simple.  I also like Audio Boo because you can add one picture and a map.

Here's a sample of an audio recording I made at the same location:
I used the embed code below, but if you click on the Point Reyes Audio Boo link,
you can see the map and photo too.


Locke, CA - on the Delta in the Central Valley